Thursday, April 05, 2007

Don't touch my feet...

In Madagascar...'re the best! Susan and her family (David, William and Elizabeth) are amazing...

I'm getting terribly spoiled here. Their house is just has a beautiful backyard with a swimming pool... and four tortoises. (Fact of the day...the difference between a turtle and a tortoise is that tortoises don't swim...thanks Elizabeth...)

There are currently two Queen's students, Josh and Kristy staying here as well...They are heading home today but have been great at showing me the ropes...(even how to catch a cockroach...)

Yesterday, Gene, our driver took the three of us touring downtown Tana...And I learned very quickly that even listening costs you $$$. There are people constantly wanted to sell you something or earn money by being your guide...Just when you think they're giving up on you because they stop, you find that you've actually just come to the edge of their territory and someone else is going to take

Many of you may have heard about the cyclones's a picture of some of the still flooded areas in town...

Besides Gene, we also have a guard Pierrot and a cook/laundress Noro...I'm not sure how I'll cope with bucket showers and pit latrines next week on the Habitat build???

Au Revoir


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