Sunday, April 08, 2007

Touring Tana...

The keyboard here is much different from home so please excuse any typos...
The keyboqrd here is ,uch different fro, ho,e so pleqse excuse qny typos:::

I have now moved from Susans place to downtown Tana, to the hotel where our Habitat team is meeting...There are four of us, Lauren, Joe, Dennis and I, that came in early so we have been exploring for the last day. This morning Dennis and I walked for a few miles alongside market stalls...Usually there is a lot of begging going on but I think we were out of the tourist area...There were a few times we were bumped to check out our wallets and once followed by some teens but overall, it feels pretty safe here. [although they stare and scream out Vazaha] We could not bring any valubles with us on our walk so no camera...but here are some pictures taken out of our hotel window.
Outside of our hotel, there is some type of bus pickup...A guy hangs out the back door on a ledge and lets people in the back...very interesting to watch.

We walked by a church today, where Easter Sunday Services were going on...lots of kids dressed up in their Sunday best. It is such a contrast when you see other children, shoeless and dirty, following you, begging for money or asking for your almost empty water bottle... Breaks your heart...

Thought of the Dennis...
In tribal times, when people begged for money, it was better if they put out two meant, please give me something and...I do not have a knife in my other hand...
Happy Easter...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle,

I've been thinking about you! I have read about your travels in Africa. Sound like it's ALL GOOD! Good havn't changed a bit......still smiling :)
I'll be following you throughout your good! and have fun!

11:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like quite the adventure so far Michelle! Looking forward to your updates.....b

9:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wow...I am soooo look like you having a blast...remember me for the next great adventure...can't wait to see you!!!

8:22 AM


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