Pictures from around the schoolyard...
I've been accused by some of my American friends of being on a mission to recruit new Canadians with all the Canada pins and flags I've been giving out...
Hanging out with the girls in the dorm...
I've been accused by some of my American friends of being on a mission to recruit new Canadians with all the Canada pins and flags I've been giving out...
It's so strange to come to Africa and hang out with Western students...but I couldn't have found four more welcoming, friendly or fun girls... Corrine, Missy, Kim and Jackie...
And Missy, Jackie and I took a road trip back to Ussango to visit my school...
5 hours on a sketchy bus....
Thanks for such a wonderful time girls and we'll see you in September!
Those of you who have camped with me...Borman, Tara, Kellie, Danielle, Brenda, Esme, and to some extent, the Madagascar Princesses.... know that I'm a bit of a chicken when it comes to leaving the tent at imagine Michelle in a tent by herself in the middle of the Serengeti with wild animals roaming around...I was terrified to say the least! When we were setting up our tents at the Ngorogoro Crater, there were four elephants roaming about 50 yards away... The guy a few tents over from me went to go to the toilet during the night and when he came out of the tent, there was a buffalo five feet away...and the night before, a lion killed a warthog right behind some tents. Needless to say, nothing short of an elephant stepping on me, was getting me out of my tent at night!!
May 26th…
You may start to see a theme here but it seems like a lot of my magic moments involve the children of Tanzania…they are so carefree, happy and fun to be around. I have a small group of the village children and quite often we play soccer, sing and dance or just sit and drink sodas…I’m not sure how they spot me but every time I come out to the canteen, they come running across the field to see me.
One day, I was sitting out marking some essays and I heard singing. I looked up and the group was coming across the field. They came up to me and just stood and sang songs in Swahili to me…precious!