Sunday, July 01, 2007

In Dar Es Salaam...

Fr Salutari Bahati and Fr Massenge are keeping me company...

And today we went to Bagamoyo on the Indian Ocean.... And I think it is my favourite place in Tanzania....

There were so many school children there on vacation...

And then tonight we dined at our favourite place "The Rose Garden".... Our usual waitress is Ashura...she is 21 and wants to be a lawyer to help with women's rights...she has been talking to the Priests about going back to secondary school, so between me and my friends, we will hopefully sponsor her....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle...your journey continues to amaze me...I don't think there will be enough chicken wings and wine to get through all the stories you will bring home...can't wait to see you!!!

Thinking of you

4:59 AM


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